Mako-Mere: making friends in Uganda

Mako-Mere (making friends) is a modern Ugandan soap opera designed to carry key development messages. Shot on location in the Eastern province of Tororo, the series follows the lives of a group of Ugandans, including a family, a drinker, a priest and a corrupt village elder, as they struggle to get ahead. We provided camera equipment and training to local crews during the shoot. The project was conceived and run by the charity Mifumi, which has offices in Bristol and Uganda.



Filming at the Norwegian Ice Music Festival. Photo credit: Emile Holba.

‘Notes on Ice’ has Antlers

Our film about Norway’s ice music festival is a finalist in the 2013 Banff Mountain Film Festival. Something of a personal triumph for me as I saw the Banff festival tour about 10 years ago in a tiny cinema in Fernie, deep in the Canadian rockies, and was so impressed by the quality of the films and the audience that I’ve always wanted to be part of the festival.