On location in Egypt
Location filming on the River Nile, for the National Museum of Scotland
We’re just back from a 10-day shoot in Egypt, gathering material for a new film to introduce the National Museum of Scotland’s Egyptian Gallery. The film, which is being shot in 8K with out Red Epic-W, will explore the way in which the River Nile provided a unique context for the development of ancient Egyptian civilisation; delivering dependable, fertile soils, which enabled ancient Egyptians to devote time and resources to religion, art and architecture. We travelled the length of the country; from Aswan in the South to Alexandria in the North. Egypt can be a challenging place to work, but once you get past the red tape, which was skilfully handled by our fixer, Wael Aziz, it offers fantastic filming opportunities; from the chaos of Cairo to the calm of Aswan and Luxor, and wherever you go you’re always guaranteed a warm-hearted welcome.
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