Arab Dancers in El Obaid, Sudan, perform a traditional wedding ceremony song and dance. The song goes like this: “The tree branch with the dew, never lost its shimmer, say Ma-Sha’a-Allah, may he be safe from the envious eye, say Ma-Sha’a-Allah.” It is sung for the groom and it’s about him on his special day when he looks his best with all his accessories and everyone is admiring him. The women sing and the men the men’s excitement is expressed by imitating the movements of a falcon, jumping and bouncing.

The dance is performed by the Dul Al-Nafeer group, lead by Hamid Al-Mardia Ahmed. The group specialise in the traditional heritage of the Abballa (Camel Herders) and the Ghannama (Sheep Herders/Shepherds) of North Kordofan, Sudan.